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Quality wood products
from northern Sweden
Gällö Timber is located in the small town of Gällö in northern Sweden. We saw spruce and lodgepole pine into high-quality products that are sent and used worldwide. We are proud of that.
From the raw material of the forest to finished planks
Much is automated and digitized, but not without human supervision and wise decisions. Just as it works at the sawmill in Gällö.
Do you have a forest and want to
contact a timber buyer?
Then it is the timber buyers at Gällö Skog that you should contact.
New billing information from 2 May 2023
Billing address:
Gällö Timber AB
831 90 Östersund
PDF email-invoice:
E-invoicing: GLN: 7381010017022
VAN-partner is InExchange. Read more about e-invoicing
Please put PO-number as reference on the invoice. You find the PO-number on the purchase order. If you can’t find the PO-number, please write the e-mail address on your contact as reference.