Raw material from Swedish forests

Spruce is the most common type of wood at the sawmill in Gällö. Now we are also investing in making panel and furniture wood from lodgepole pine.

Spruce and lodgepole pine are sawed in Gällö

Spruce – By far the most common type of wood sawn at Gällö Timber. It's primarily used as building- and construction timber, but the end product can also be panels, furniture, gluelam or packaging.

Lodgepole Pine - Is more fast-growing than pine and therefore quickly became popular when it began to be planted on a larger scale in southern parts of northern Sweden during the 1970s. This means that there will now be a period where it must be cleared and used. Traditionally, lodgepole pine has been used by the wood pulp industry, but at Gällö Timber we have specialized in extracting sawn raw materials from the lodgepole pine.

Gällö Component Factory – Gives more out of the log

In addition to the sawmill in Gällö, we also since 2019 run our own further processing unit, Gällö Component Factory. Here, since 2019, we have cut our own sawn timber with a focus on packaging and pallet production centers. We exact cut and package the boards so that the disposable pallets can be produced efficiently according to the customers' wishes.

During the past year, we have also started planing some raw material and can therefore offer an even wider product range. Thanks to this type of innovation, we also create more jobs, while continuing to develop international collaborations.